Thursday, May 27, 2010

Welcome Message

Welcome to Kindergarten!! I am so excited to have you join my class for the 2010-2011 school year. We will be diving into some great books this year, and one of the first one's I am looking forward to sharing with you is "Commotion in the Ocean". So, what is your favorite ocean animals? Send me a quick message to let me know. I would love to hear from you! We will be sorting ocean animals and making cool patterns together, like fish, octopus, fish, octopus. Do you know what comes next? Grab your gear, and let's get ready for a wonderful year together. Surf's Up to YOU,YOU, and YOU!


  1. Keagan's favorite ocean animal is the jelly fish.

  2. Keagan I am so excited you visited our class blog and left a comment! We will learn more about jellyfish when we do our Ocean theme in Open Court this year. We will make our own jellyfish for a special art project too!
